Tawakal Express CEO News Letter�

Tawakal Express Achievements
��By: Mohammed Jama (CEO)

In the first quarter of 2017, Tawakal Express has been exceptionally busy in moving our headquarters to Garowe, Puntland, where Tawakal Bank is currently located.� At the same time, Tawakal Express opened its first 24 hour customer support center in Garowe, Puntland.� This call center is open 7 days a week, and handles over 1,500 calls per day from customers and agents around the world.� Three Women and Four Men run this support center in Garowe.�Tawakal customer support can be reached through local telephone numbers in the United States, Europe and East Africa.� These calls are then routed to the call center in Garowe, Puntland, Somalia.� Through our Somali call center,� Global Tawakal Express customers and agents are now able to reach support whenever they need it.�

During customer support training, CEO�reminded our new and existing staff, �We must remember that operational excellence is a must for the success of Tawakal Express.� Each one of us must focus and be reminded Tawakal Express as a global company delivers the best solutions to its customers and every staff member and agent must provide exceptional customer service, fastest money delivery service, and not give up or give in to weaker instincts.� CEO then reminded everyone that Tawakal Express is not only a remittance company, but also a financial technology or a �FinTech� company.
Tawakal Express has hired additional staff to run our growing accounts department and compliance team in Somalia.�We have also signed new partnerships for service expansion, including mobile money corridors in East Africa.� In the coming months, our operations team has even bigger plans to expand our services.� Throughout this expansion, Tawakal Express will continue to provide superior money remittance throughout East Africa by delivering exceptional service, the latest technology and enriching the capacity of our staff..
In January, 2017, Tawakal Express finished and introduced initial two of its three most recent extensive Real Estate projects� in Somalia. Tawakal Plaza Garowe and Galdogob where it has Tawakal Bank of (SOM)�branches. Tawakal Plaza Galdogob has also luxuriously adorned Hotel and an outstanding restaurant.
In July 2017, Tawakal Express sponsored the Garowe Book Fair.� More than 2,000 new customers contacted our team at this fair.� Print, electronic, mobile and outdoor advertising brought hundreds of thousands of gross impressions in terms of marketing reach and Tawakal brand exposure at this book fair.
� �Adopts New Technology For Enhance The
Tawakal Express
To continue its exceptional services, Tawakal Express is committed to investing in the next generation of software engineers.� We have hired three engineers, each of whom will be trained company's product and services to develop more. Tawakal Express invests in our staff and participates in local economic development by encouraging talented Somalis to apply for our job openings.� In this quarter, all Tawakal jobs were posted on the Tawakal Express Facebook page.� More than 300 applications were received for the Customer Service, Accounting, Compliance and Software Engineer positions.� Recruiting for these jobs took place in a variety of ways, while the hiring and communications process were conducted electronically.� The factors considered for successful candidates included strong verbal and written communication skills in both Somali and English, logical reasoning and a strong grasp of basic mathematical concepts, and personal interviews.� To reduce human error and to ensure that high quality candidates reached the final interview rounds, the process of evaluating candidates was automated through online assessments hosted on google platform.�� This also had the effect of reducing time to hire and the cost of hiring.� Google products were crafted and our senior information technology (IT) experts backed content to assist us in selecting the top candidates to help streamline the recruitment process, making it both time and budget efficient.� Ultimately, Tawakal Express is proud to have chosen strong applicants to serve our global customers.
We are doing more to Help those who are effected by
The Drought
Tawakal Express is concerned about the impact of this year�s drought on the Somali people.� To that end, we are doing more to help those who are affected by the drought, working with our partners to deliver millions of dollars to those who need the most.� We have facilitated the fastest and most secure method of delivery for these funds to reach people in need.� Our company believes that finding resources necessary to meet the ever-increasing needs for our communities is the only way that we can achieve success for everyone that we serve.� That is why we invest heavily in both technology and human resources to find solutions to these issues wherever possible.
Tawakal Express Products & Services

Finally, Tawakal Express is committed to working with all communities in providing the fastest and most secure remittance services.� Whether it is a traditional agent-based service, online-based remittance or our latest online mobile application �Tplus,� we want to make sure that our customers have options for remitting funds.

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Tawakal Express� we innovate where others imitate.

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